TCSH(1) Astron 6.08.00 (2 October 1998) TCSH(1)


tcsh - C shell with file name completion and command line editing


tcsh [-bcdefFimnqstvVxX] [-Dname[=value]] [arg ...]
tcsh -l


Argument list processing --- tcsh 所使用的參數
Startup and shutdown --- 啟動與關閉 tcsh
Editing --- 編輯
The command-line editor (+) --- 命令列編輯器
Completion and listing (+) --- 自動列舉的功能
Spelling correction (+) --- 自動較正的功能
Editor commands (+) --- 編輯器的指令
Lexical structure --- 字典式排列結構
Substitutions --- 替換
History substitution --- 使用紀錄替換
Alias substitution --- 別名替換
Variable substitution --- 變數替換
Command, filename and directory stack substitution --- 命令,檔案名稱和目錄堆疊替換
Command substitution --- 命令替換
Filename substitution --- 檔案名稱替換
Directory stack substitution (+) --- 目錄堆疊替換
Other substitutions (+) --- 其它替換
Commands --- 指令
Simple commands, pipelines and sequences --- 單一命令,遞移與序列
Builtin and non-builtin command execution --- 執行內建與非內建指令
Input/output --- 輸入與輸出
Features --- 特色
Control flow --- 程序控制
Expressions --- 表達式
Logical, arithmetical and comparison operators --- 邏輯,算術與比較運算元
Command exit status --- 命令回傳值
File inquiry operators --- 查詢檔案特性
Jobs --- 工作程序
Status reporting --- 使用的狀態環境
Automatic, periodic and timed events (+) --- 自動化,週期性,定時功能
Native Language System support (+) --- 支援多國語言系統
OS variant support (+) --- 支援各種作業系統
Signal handling --- 信號處理
Terminal management (+) --- 終端機模式

REFERENCE --- 參考資料

Builtin commands --- 內建指令
Special aliases (+) --- 特殊替換
Special shell variables --- 特殊變數

FILES --- 檔案
NEW FEATURES (+) --- 新增功能
BUGS --- 臭蟲
THE T IN TCSH --- T 的由來
LIMITATIONS --- tcsh 的限制
SEE ALSO --- 相關參考
VERSION --- 版本
AUTHORS --- 作者
THANKS TO --- 感謝

Here are the nroff manpage (175K) from which this HTML version was generated, the Perl script which did the conversion and the complete source code for tcsh.
tcsh is maintained by Christos Zoulas <> and the tcsh maintainers' mailing list. Dave Schweisguth <> wrote the manpage and the HTML conversion script.