J.C.R. (Joseph) Licklider

[Licklider] Joseph Licklider (1915-1990) 原來是 MIT 的一位心理學教授, 他和 McCarthy 是 1950 年代末期, 在 MIT 推動工時分享觀念的主要人物之一。 他並且在 1957 年離開 MIT 加入 BBN (Balt,Beranek & Newmann) 公司,那個公司也就是設計工時分享系統的先驅之一。 後來 Licklider 在 1962 年受邀進入 ARPA 擔任資訊技術局的首任局長。 BBN 公司後來在 ARPAnet 的早期階段,承包了許多工程,很難讓人認為純屬偶然。

(ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency) ARPA 是美國受到蘇聯太空船升空的刺激之後成立的兩個新研究機構之一, 另一個是 NASA(...);兩個都是花錢不眨眼的單位。 ARPA 雖然沒有 NASA 那麼亮眼,因為他沒有『偉大』的新聞題材, 但是也是為近代的科技發明做出決定性的貢獻。 除了課文中提到的 ARPAnet 直接促成了 Internet 之外, 如今的 PC 和筆記型電腦,在早期也受到 ARPA 的資助, 甚至間接促成了圖形操作介面和滑鼠的發明。

資訊技術局 (IPTO: Information Processing Techniques Office)

J.C.R. Licklider may well be one of the most influential people in the history of computer
science. As Director of the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO), a division of the
Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), Licklider from 1963-64 put in
place the funding priorities which would lead to the Internet, and the invention of the
"mouse," "windows" and "hypertext." Together these elements comprise the foundation of our
networked society, and it owes much of its existence to the man who held the purse-strings,
and also created a management culture where graduate students were left to run a
multi-million dollar research project.
                            The History of the Name 

        ARPA - DoD directive 5105.15 establishing the Advanced Research
        Projects agency (ARPA) was signed on February 7, 1958. The directive
1958/10/1 NASA 成立。整個來說,ARPA 和 NASA 都可以說是美國回應蘇聯太空船
        gave ARPA the responsibility "for the direction or performance of such
        advanced projects in the field of research and development as the
        Secretary of Defense shall, from time to time, designate by individual
        project or by category".

        DARPA - On March 23, 1972, by DoD Directive, the name was changed to
        the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA was
        established as a separate defense agency under the Office of the
        Secretary of Defense.

        ARPA - On February 22, 1993, DARPA was redesignated the Advanced
        Research Projects Agency (ARPA) -- as the agency was known before
        1972. The change was outlined in President Clinton's strategy paper,
        "Technology for America's Economic Growth, A New Direction to Build
        Economic Strength".

        DARPA - On February 10, 1996, Public Law 104-106, under Title IX of
        the Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Authorization Act, directed an
        organizational name change to the Defense Advanced Research Projects
        Agency (DARPA).

[1] Digital 公司在 1990 年八月出版的 Licklider 紀念文集 (PDF 檔案),內含兩篇關鍵性的文章:

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